General Objective
The Master of Business Administration training program is oriented towards application to serve the aviation industry and society, helping students improve their knowledge of Business Administration and skills in Business Administration activities; have the ability to work independently and creatively; have the ability to research and apply research results, discover and organize the implementation of complex tasks in Business Administration activities, promote and effectively use Business Administration knowledge in performing specific tasks in the aviation industry and other sectors of society; can supplement some basic knowledge of the industry and research methods according to the requirements of the doctoral training major to continue participating in the doctoral training program.

Specific training objectives
About knowledge
The program equips students with advanced and in-depth knowledge of modern business administration, ways to build development strategies for businesses, and instructions on how to apply business administration knowledge to the practical activities of businesses in general and aviation businesses in particular.
About skills:
Provide students with the ability to analyze, evaluate and forecast changes in the macroeconomic environment as well as the business operating environment. From there, make the right decisions for the strategy and management of the business. Build and develop students' leadership skills, including self-leadership and organizational leadership skills. Help students improve their creativity and apply theories, promote their own experiences and form the necessary skills in analyzing and handling management situations, especially in the field of civil aviation.
About attitude
Help students have a positive attitude towards learning, see the importance of the training program and the true values that need to be achieved; at the same time have the right career perspective and a serious learning attitude.
About professional capacity
The training product is business leaders, experts with in-depth expertise in the field of business administration, capable of analyzing, evaluating and forecasting changes in the environment to make the right decisions for the strategy and management of the enterprise, capable of leading and solving arising management problems, especially aviation business administration.
About research
Help students have the ability to research topics that will vary from year to year depending on the development trend of management theories as well as problems arising in the practical business administration activities of enterprises, especially in the aviation sector.

1. Ability to perceive and analyze the communist worldview and outlook on life; Master the policies and guidelines of the Vietnamese revolution, especially the Vietnamese revolutionary guidelines in the renovation period;
2. Have research methods, know how to conduct scientific research and apply them to solve practical problems in business; Master the basic principles of economics and their application in business decision making;
3. Master modern management theories and business ethics to apply them in business administration; Have advanced knowledge in business administration in the fields of strategy, business policy, financial management, accounting, human resource management, production and operations management, quality management, information management risk, marketing, especially the management and business activities of airlines and airports. From there, apply them to solve practical problems.

1. Have the ability to analyze and forecast environmental changes to plan, organize, implement, check, evaluate and make decisions on business management activities of enterprises, especially aviation enterprises
2. Have the ability to self-study, collect information, conduct independent scientific research and update new knowledge in the field of business administration.
3. Have the ability to work independently and in groups; leadership, negotiation and management skills in activities at the work unit, especially aviation enterprises.
4. Have the ability to write reports, present, present and defend research results.
5. Have the ability to use foreign languages in business activities and scientific research at level B1 or equivalent to level B1 or level 3/6 of the Common European Framework or higher.
6. Ability to proficiently apply information technology in scientific research such as using office information technology (word, excel, power point), using SPSS and EVIEW software to analyze data in business research activities.

1. Have political attitudes, civic awareness and community awareness in behavior and conduct at work.
2. Have moral qualities, professional ethics, sense of civic responsibility, understanding, living and working according to the law according to the standards of Decision No. 50/2007/QD-BGD&DT of the Ministry of Education and Training.
3. Have awareness of participating in social and union work; organize labor discipline, professional responsibility, know how to receive and complete assigned collective tasks.
4. Have a spirit of learning, have the will to constantly improve knowledge and train oneself.
Diploma after graduation
Master of Business Administration

Training program
62 credits
- Training program: 2021
- Program learning outcomes matrix: 2021
- Teaching and assessment methods: click here