– Directly in charge of the management and organization of the Department’s activities.
– Monitor and evaluate the implementation of regulations on administrative work – personnel organization.
– Report to the Board of Directors on the Department’s activities.

The Organization and Administration Office
The Organization and Administration Office serves as an advisory body, responsible for organizing and implementing administrative tasks; establishing, consolidating, and enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of the organizational structure; managing and providing professional development for staff and employees; organizing and implementing commendation and emulation activities; ensuring internal political security and national defense, and implementing policies and regulations related to staff and employees.
State normative documents regulating civil servants
(1) Law on Public Employees Law on Public Employees – Consolidated 2019, Law on Public Employees No. 58/2010/QH12 dated November 15, 2010; Law amending and supplementing a number of articles of the Law on Cadres, Civil Servants and Law on Public Employees No. 52/2019/QH14 dated November 25, 2019;
(2) Decree No. 115/2020/ND-CP dated September 25, 2020 of the Government regulating the recruitment, use and management of public employees;
(3) Decree No. 30/2020/ND-CP dated March 5, 2020 on clerical work;
(4) Law on Protection of State Secrets No. 29/2018/QH14 dated November 15, 2018;
(5) Circular 07/2019/TT-BNV dated June 1, 2019 regulating the statistical reporting regime and management of civil servant records;
(6) Decree No. 130/2020/ND-CP dated October 30, 2020 of the Government on controlling assets and income of persons holding positions and powers in agencies, organizations and units;
(7) Circular No. 06/2023/TT-BNV dated May 4, 2023 of the Ministry of Home Affairs promulgating the Regulation on updating, using and exploiting data and information of the National Database on cadres, civil servants and public employees in state agencies;
(8) Decree No. 111/2022/ND-CP dated December 30, 2022 on contracts for certain types of jobs in administrative agencies and public service units;
(9) Labor Code No. 45/2019/QH14 dated November 20, 2019
(10) Decree No. 106/2020/ND-CP dated September 10, 2020 of the Government on job positions and number of jobs in public service units;
(11) Circular No. 12/2022/TT-BNV dated December 30, 2022 of the Minister of Home Affairs guiding on job positions of civil servants in leadership and management; common professional skills; support, service in administrative agencies, organizations and job positions with common professional titles; support, service in public service units;
(12) Circular No. 04/2024/TT-BGDDT dated March 29, 2024 Guiding on leadership and management job positions and job positions with professional titles in the field of education and training in public universities and pedagogical colleges;
(13) Decree No. 143/2013/ND-CP dated October 24, 2013 of the Government regulating the reimbursement of scholarships and training costs;
(14) Decree No. 101/2017/ND-CP dated September 1, 2017 of the Government on training and fostering cadres, civil servants and public employees; Decree No. 89/2021/ND-CP dated October 18, 2021 on amending and supplementing a number of articles of Decree No. 101/2017/ND-CP;
(15) Decree 86/2021/ND-CP dated September 25, 2021 regulating Vietnamese citizens going abroad to study, teach, conduct scientific research and conduct academic exchanges;
(16) Circular 20/2020/TT-BGDDT dated July 27, 2020 regulating the working regime of lecturers at higher education institutions issued by the Minister of Education and Training;
(17) Circular No. 40/2020/TT-BGDDT dated October 26, 2020, stipulating codes, professional title standards, appointment and salary classification for teaching staff in public higher education institutions, issued by the Minister of Education and Training;
(18) Circular No. 05/2024/TT-BGDDT dated March 29, 2024, stipulating standards and conditions for considering promotion of professional titles of teaching staff in public higher education institutions and pedagogical colleges;
19) Circular No. 41/2021/TT-BGDDT dated December 39, 2021, stipulating the list and period for periodic job position transfers in agencies, organizations, and units under the Ministry of Education and Training and under the management scope of the education sector and field at local authorities;
(20) Decree 204/2004/ND-CP dated December 14, 2004 on salary regime for cadres, civil servants, public employees and armed forces;
(21) Decree 73/2024/ND-CP dated June 30, 2024 regulating basic salary and bonus regime for cadres, civil servants, public employees and armed forces;
(22) Decree 74/2024/ND-CP dated June 30, 2024 regulating minimum salary for employees working under labor contracts;
(23) Law on Social Insurance No. 41/2024/QH15 dated June 29, 2024.
The main responsibilities of the Organization and Administration Office
Advise and assist the Director in implementing administrative tasks and personnel organization
– Organize and implement clerical and archival work in accordance with regulations.
– Advise on drafting, reviewing, and periodically updating relevant legal documents, regulations, and policies of the Academy.
– Advise and organize the implementation of personnel-related tasks: recruitment, planning, job position proposals, and organizational structure, among others.
– Advise and implement administrative tasks.
– Advise and organize the implementation of payroll and policy-related tasks.
– Advise and carry out community service activities.

Departments under the Organization and Administration Office
– Administrative Department
– Payroll and Policy Department
– Personnel Organization Department

Coordinate with other units within the Academy
– Collaborate with other units in carrying out the Academy’s common tasks.
– Provide information and support to units in handling administrative tasks, personnel organization, and payroll and policy matters.